“Critical Juncture” Conference

06 december 2023

From December 8-10 the School of Advanced Studies (SAS), University of Tyumen and the Aksenov Family Foundation hosted a “Critical Juncture” Conference that explored the interdisciplinary synthesis and interaction of science and humanities.

The conference was attended by scientists from Russia and Europe, laureate composers, and students and graduates of bachelor's, master's, specialist, and postgraduate programs from Russian universities.

The concert showcased academic music and featured world premieres by composers from the fourth season of the contemporary academic music project 'Russian Music 2.0'.

Conference Theme

The boundaries between academic disciplines are becoming increasingly blurred. The concepts of "humanitarian" and "mathematician" are seemingly at odds with each other, but have the potential for deep mutual enrichment. The goal is to bring the seemingly incompatible together and to question the similarities and differences of these fields.

The participants tried to answer the following questions: How does mathematics help to understand the humanities and vice versa? How can the study of mathematical regularities and structures help to study philosophical concepts and theories? Which problems cannot be solved without a synthesis of the interpretive and exact sciences and how to approach their solution?

About Music Block

The conference block titled 'Between Emotion and Rationality: Creative, Metaphysical and Mathematical in Music' explored the scientific, philosophical, and cultural contexts that influence musical creativity. Speakers from MSU, ITMO, and SAS discussed topics such as Arca, mathematical syntax in music, the future of music in generative models, and postdisciplinary practices in the study of sound.

On December 10, a music section was held with the participation of experts from the Russian Music 2.0 project, aimed at developing and renewing the traditions of the Russian school of composition. The section was supported by the Aksenov Family Foundation (AFF). The Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (MCME), conducted by Elizaveta Korneeva, performed compositions by project laureates Andrey Besogonov, Ivan Bushuyev, Ilya Vyazov, Elina Lebedze, Anna Romashkova, and Marina Khorkova at the evening concert.


December 8

  • 09:00-10:00


  • 10:00-10:15

    Conference opening

  • 10:15-10:45

    Public Talk, Overcoming Barriers to Interdisciplinarity | Moderator: Vyacheslav Kuleshov, University of Tyumen

  • 10:45-11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:00-12:40 |Section "Measuring Ideals: The Ideal in the History and Philosophy of Science"

    Music and Science: Love with and without Obstacles | Vladimir Orlov, SAS professor, author of scientific works on musicology, concert organizer

  • 12:40-13:40


  • 13:40-15:10 |Section "Measuring Ideals: The Ideal in the History and Philosophy of Science"

    Accuracy, Objectivity, and Responsibility: Epistemic Virtues in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Natural Sciences | Mikhail Khort, Kazan Federal University

    Converging Ideals and the Reality of Thought | Siyaves Azeri, Project “Philosophy in Socialist Europe: Theoretical Practices in the Face of Polycrisis” at the European Sustainability Foundation

  • 15:10-15:30

    Coffee Break

  • 15:30-17:50 | Section “Between Emotion and Rationality: The Creative, the Metaphysical, and the Mathematical in Music”

    Culttech as a Commemorative Practice: Reflecting on the 150th Anniversary of Max Reinhardt's Birth | Natalia Antropova, Aksenov Family Foundation

    Experience “Horizontally”: Arca Interacting with Artificial Intelligence | Daniil Platitsyn, Maria Sidorovich, SAS students

    Innovations in Sound Studies: A Postdisciplinary Perspective | Lilia-Daria Stefankova, National Research University ITMO

    Commonalities between Mathematics and Music | Alexey Zakharov, Anastasia Kaigorodtseva, Novosibirsk State University

  • 15:30-18:05 | Section “Homo Digitus”

    Three classes of datasets in modern historical-philological analytics (sub specibus linguistics, philology, history, anthropology) | Vyacheslav Kuleshov, University of Tyumen

    Automatic Detection of Event Description Elements Using Textual Worlds Theory | Elena Mikhalkova, University of Tyumen

    Neurotechnology and Artificial Intelligence | Yulia Loboda, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

    How Did Mathematics Become Associated with Intelligence? | Daria Korostovskaya, Novosibirsk State University

    Representation of St. Petersburg’s Archaeology through the Creation of a Digital Resource and Interactive Map | National Research University ITMO MA students

  • 18:10-19:30

    Academic Lab

December 9

  • 9:30-10:00

    Interdisciplinarity: Conclusions from the first day

  • 10:00-12:10 | Section “Thinking Like a Mathematician: Exploring the Potential of a Humanitarian Education”

    Ways of creating an 'outside observer' in professional decision-making: a study on interpreting | Yulia Shvetsova, Alina Starkova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

    Formation of Educational and Professional Motivation of Students through Business Games | Albert Tokarev, University of Tyumen

    Logic Is the Foundation of Thinking | Anastasia Karpenko, Novosibirsk State University

    The Invasion of Mathematics into Everyday Life and Philosophy: A Non-Mathematician's Perspective | Mikhail Lukin, Higher School of Economics

  • 12:10-12:30

    Coffee Break

  • 12:10-14:10 | Section “Thinking Like a Mathematician: Exploring the Potential of a Humanitarian Education”

    An Interdisciplinary Approach to Solving Complex Problems in Changing Industries | Daria Shestakova, Novosibirsk State University

    Humanitarian Knowledge as an Object of Mathematical Research: Examples and Perspectives | Ivan Samoilenko, Higher School of Economics

    From Gödel to Midjourney: How Physicists and Lyricists Help Each Other | Sergey Osipchev, Novosibirsk State University

  • 10:00-12:10 | Section “On Beauty in Science and Poetry”

    Coincidences as a Fundamental Element of Mathematical Beauty | Timur Nasybullov, Novosibirsk State University

    Philosophy of Beauty: From Eros to Oleg Mongol | Elizaveta Fetisova, University of Tyumen

    There Are Only 17 Types of Wallpaper | Luka Nikiforov, Novosibirsk State University

  • 12:10-12:30

    Coffee Break

  • 12:30-14:00 | Section “On Beauty in Science and Poetry”

    Inaesthetics by Alain Badiou: Counting the Disappearance of Beauty | Zakhar Neustroev, SAS student

    Art in Numbers: Math as a Tool and Source of Inspiration | Elizaveta Markhinina, Novosibirsk State University

    Art in Numbers: Math as a Tool and Source of Inspiration | Taisiya Uskova, Novosibirsk State University

  • 14:10-15:00


  • 15:00-17:30

    Academic Lab

  • 17:30-19:00

    Academic Lab: Presentation of Results

December 10

  • 9:50-10:00

    Set for the day

  • 10:00-12:00 | Section “Between Emotion and Rationality: The Creative, Metaphysical, and Mathematical in Music”

    Beyond the Self: New Russian Music on an Interdisciplinary Stage. A Historical Inquiry | Dmitry Renansky music critic, curator of music programs of the V-A-C Foundation and GES-2 House of Culture

    Contemporary Academic Music in Russia: Phantom or Phenomenon? A Historical Perspective | Yulia Bederova, musicologist, music critic, columnist for Kommersant newspaper, Radio Kultura, editor of the Meloman almanac by Moscow Philharmonic

    The Noise of Time. The State of Academic Composition at the End of the First Quarter of the XXI Century | Anton Svetlichny, composer, music journalist

  • 12:00-12:40


  • 12:40-15:00 | Section “Between Emotion and Rationality: The Creative, Metaphysical, and Mathematical in Music”

    New Music for New Dance as a Necessity: The Experience of Ural Ballet | Bogdan Korolek, curator, ballet theater historian, Assistant Artistic Director of the Ural Opera Ballet

    The Creation of Musical Worlds and Sounding Bodies | Anna Romashkova, "Russian Music 2.0"

    Field Recording in the Essay “Four Interruptions of Inner Hearing”: Spaces and Artificial Environments | Ivan Bushuev, "Russian Music 2.0"

    Compositional Principles of the Poem “The White Widow” | Andrey Besogonov, "Russian Music 2.0"

    Multimedia in Modern Academic Music | Alexander Khubeyev, "Russian Music 2.0"

  • 15:00-15:15

    Coffee Break

  • 15:15-17:00 | Section “Between Emotion and Rationality: The Creative, Metaphysical, and Mathematical in Music”

    The Use of Multiples to Visualize Musical Harmony | Roman Oleinikov, mathematician, music theorist, member of the Laboratory of Biomechanical Systems of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Score design for music reading | Ian Cross, Professor of Music and Science, Cambridge (England)

  • 17:00-18:00

    Closing ceremony

  • 19:00-21:00

    Academic Music Concert "Russian Music 2.0", place: Tyumen Technopark