Perso-Arabic Neoplatonism from the Second Aristotle to the Son of Plato

This course focuses on the Perso-Arabic Neoplatonism of the Islamic Golden Age, particularly during its emergence in the Abbasid Era (750-1258). We start by exploring the appropriated metaphysical foundations of Neoplatonism in the first four weeks, advanced by crucial figures such as Alkindus, Avicenna and Alpharabius. Upon grasping the metaphysics involved, we will observe how the implicit Neoplatonic themes surface in the poetry of poet-philosophers like Omar Khayyam, Ibn-Arabi and Rumi. Thus, the course is structured with a focus on Neoplatonic metaphysics in the first half, followed by its application in the context of poetry in the second half.

The course bases its historical chronology on the unprecedented publication of Algazelus’ Tahāfut al-Falāsifa of the 11th Century, symbolic of the paradigmatic shift in the Neoplatonism of the Perso-Arabic tradition. Students observe Algazelus’ role as the Reviver, representing the major historical event that altered the place of philosophy during the Islamic Golden Age. We, therefore, work on a pre- and post-Algazelian timeline in our study of Perso-Arabic Neoplatonism. As such, the course sets the historical foundation for the aforementioned timeline by dedicating a whole class to the Algazelus during the first week of the quarter to establish an awareness of this history.

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