C# programming fundamentals
C# (C Sharp) is one of the newest and most popular general-purpose programming languages. Originally developed by Microsoft, now C# is a dynamically growing open source project. In fact, C# is a hybrid of several languages. At that, it is more pure syntactically than Java, equally simple as Visual Basic and almost as powerful and flexible as C++.
C# is equally suitable for the development of desktop apps, web apps and programming for iOS and Android, whereas its simple and logical structure allows easy training process.
This course introduces you to the basic constructions and capabilities of the language, provides you with the minimum algorithmic knowledge and practical skills. There will be webinars, tests and a range of relevant practical tasks. All of them have realistic problem statements and interesting result visualisation. Through them, you will get to know different programming areas, from image processing and data analysis to physical modelling and developing elementary video games. The authors of this course tried to avoid purely theoretical, formal tasks, remote from reality, so that you could enjoy the process of getting practical knowledge and skills.