Проектная сессия — 2020

Faculty candidates from 15 countries. 12−16 March.

SAS research program relies on interdisciplinary research teams integrated into global academic networks; these teams replace traditional disciplinary departments and ensure intensive communication among faculty members within and across disciplines.

Research teams are formed through an innovative faculty search procedure thereby finalists get together in Tyumen for a project design session where they self-organize into interdisciplinary teams and propose research projects. Core members of the best project teams receive full-time faculty positions at SAS.

This year SAS is particularly interested in the following research directions, within which more concrete team projects will be designed:

  • The challenges posed by AI decision-making, machine creativity and technological objects becoming social subjects.
  • Ethical and societal implications of genome technologies and neuroscience, such as genetic engineering, resurrection of extinct species, and direct manipulation of cognition and emotion in the brain, including in new media.
  • Multilevel evolution and the possibilities and limitations of applying evolutionary theory and ‘the logic of chance' to social, economic, and cultural structures in their historical development.
  • Arctic cities in the changing environment, ‘glocalization' of the impact of environmental and technological changes on the economy, everyday urban experience, culture and society.
  • Implications of changing economic dominance of Global South vs. Global North, East vs. West, etc. for the economic, technological, social and national divides in the multipolar world. The possibilities of the creation of communities across these divides, including by means of storytelling and visual media.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:


Barbara Igel
Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Machiel Keestra
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Amsterdam
Sasha Shapoval
National Research University Higher School of Economics


Abdul Razaque
computer science and engineering
Albert Schram
higher education
Alexander Usvitskiy
Ayla Arslan
biology and neuroscience
David Melbye
film and media studies
Dmitriy Kurnosov
law, political science
Erzsébet Pásztor
Hedda Schmidtke
computer science
Igor Rouzine
biology, physics
Jonatan Kurzwelly
Madis Metsis
Martin Strecker
computer science
Mirko Farina
philosopy and cognitive science
Patryk Reid
Philippe Foret
geography, environmental studies
Rita Risser
Safi Shams
Sara Bano
higher education
Sergei Belkov
Sieun An
Siyaves Azeri
Valerii Shevchenko
Vincenzo Politi
history and philosophy of science and technology