Проектная сессия — 2021

Faculty candidates from 12 countries. December 10−13.

SAS’s research program is based upon interdisciplinary research projects that are integrated into global academic networks; the project groups replace traditional disciplinary departments and ensure intensive communication among faculty members within and across disciplines.

The 2021 year project design session introduced a new format that included both job candidates and current SAS faculty. While in previous years, the PDS was focused on the formation of new research projects, this year the candidates had the opportunity to join existing projects.

Day 2:

Day 3:

  • 10:15−15:00 — Group Work
  • 15:00−18:00 — Plenary Session: Formation of New Research Projects — Live broadcast. Click to watch

December 12, Sunday

  • 11:30−16:00 — Group Work
  • 16:00−19:00 — Plenary Session: Formation of New Research Projects — Live broadcast. Click to watch


Alexander Didenko
Institute of Business Studies (IBS-Moscow, RANEPA)
Andrew Wachtel
Compass College, Bishkek
Olga Bychkova
European University at Saint Petersburg


Aleksander Sedzielarz
University of Minnesota (USA)
Carlos Yebra López
New York University (USA)
Duane Rousselle
Trent University (Canada)
Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed
Aberystwyth University (UK)
Erzsébet Pásztor
Ksenia Gerasimova
Cambridge University (UK)
Manca Bajec
Royal College of Art (UK)
Marko Turk
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Mazen Diwani
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Peter Lešnik
University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Sang-Keun Yoo
University of California (USA)
Scott Anthony
University of Oxford (UK)
Stanimir Panayotov
Central European University (Hungary)
Tyler Dupont
State University of New York at Buffalo (USA)