Регистрация на открытые лекции SAS

12 мая 2024

Новость для всех, кто жаждет знаний и стремится к саморазвитию!

С 13 мая по 7 июня приглашаем всех желающих на открытые лекции SAS. По итогам опроса, который мы проводили в наших соцсетях, открываем для гостей четыре учебных курса.

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Феноменология любви в музыке | Phenomenology of Love in Music

Профессор — Владимир Орлов

Love is everywhere — it has been the key concept literally in all religious and philosophical doctrines fr om the ancient times until nowadays. The bond between god and human (Plato), a genuine reason for Christ's coming, and so forth, love have analogously been the essence and the core in music works of all times, wrapped in different philosophies, faiths, political, social and cultural contexts, reflecting on the Weltanschauung of music creators and its entrepreneurs.

The compositions of Handel and Monteverdi, Beethoven and Schubert, or Jimmy Hendrix and The Beatles would represent wide-ranging visions of love implanted in their individual music styles and aesthetics — from Enlightenment and Romanticism to posthumanism and hippy culture (that are studied by methodology of evolutionary musicology). The course therefore constructs a survey accomplishing the many phenomenological faces of love in music, enabling students to discuss and study the chosen topics and examples within selected scholarly framework and areas of specialization. The course thusly is open to everyone interested in music and its representation of love seen through cultural, philosophical, or psycho-analytical lenses.

Прогнозирование политических событий | Forecasting Politics

Профессор — Бирол Башкан

We, humans, live at a time of grave and multiple uncertainties. That has always been the case. Yes, throughout human history. No wonder since time immemorial have we invented a myriad of ways to see through them. Some, if not all, of old ways are in fact still in use. For example, wildly popular astrology. Yet, in the meantime, we also invented new ways, ways that are more rational/scientific in nature. What are they? And, how are they employed by experts, to forecast politics, domestic as well as international?

In addition to these two and related questions, the course also addresses the most basic question that concerns us: is forecasting politics even possible? It is alleged that Yoggi Berra, a legendary baseball player, once said: “It’s tough to make predictions especially about the future.” The class claims no more. It is tough, but not totally impossible. In a nutshell the course is a general introduction to social science methodology and its use in forecasting politics.

Документальное кино | Documentary Cinema

Профессор — Петер Лешник

While we usually associate cinema with narrative films, non-fiction film practices have played a major role in the development of the medium since its emergence. Such a disregard is due to the fact that, for a long time, documentary films have been marginalized within the distribution circuits of the film industry. To add injury to insult, when documentaries found a home in the programming of broadcast television in the 1960s and 1970s, documentary practices underwent a formal and conceptual pauperization, which still resonates in the depreciative expression “TV documentary.” Whereas with the advent of digital technologies, non-fiction cinema and documentaries regained center stage within the contemporary media landscape, their reputation has hardly been rehabilitated.

This course aims at illuminating the potentiality of documentary cinema and at problematizing commonsensical assumptions linked to this film practice. We begin by analyzing definitions of the documentary and the limits they impose on our understanding of this film practice. Throughout the course, we push the boundaries of received definitions, with the purpose of expanding and refining our awareness of the potentialities inherent to non-fiction moving image works. This course does not aim at providing a historical survey of notable documentaries and film movements. The purpose of the course is, instead, that of exploring some of the most productive directions in contemporary documentary and non-fiction cinema, by focusing on a series of techniques and approaches that defy the emphasis on factuality and immediacy, which characterizes the conventional understanding of the documentary.

Свести концы (мира) с концами | Making Ends (Of the World) Meet

Преподаватели — Ахмед Эльгандур, Эмиль Александров, Петер Лешник, Ашраф Исмаил, Владимир Орлов.

Курс разработан совместно со студентами SAS Excellence Track — Алсу Батталовой, Юлией Волоховой, Николаем Кравченко.

Death is a necessary part of any life. However, having a fear of dying, “timor mortis”, can be experienced only by human beings. This course is inspired by Adam Roberts’ book It's the End of the World, wh ere he connects fear of death with our wondering about apocalypse: “If one person eventually dies, then the whole of humanity may share this fate”. Now, when the Doomsday clock shows 90 seconds to midnight, it seems to be a good time to think about the end of the world.

In this course, students explore the different scenarios of apocalypses and how they shape our perception of the world. By examining various scenarios, students aim to gain a deeper understanding of the collective nature, our fears and vulnerabilities, and values for an individual and society. After a general introduction into the topic, students investigate different theoretical perspectives on apocalyptic scenarios, drawing from various fields such as culture, sociology, politics, and environmental studies.

We explore questions, including can the values and fear actually define the scenario of apocalypse? How does the vision of the ends of the world shape people’s values, beliefs, and behaviour? What insights can we gain about human nature and societal structures under extreme circumstances? What is going to happen in (and after) the end?